الإلهه آمينتيت Amentet

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م الإلهه آمينتيت Amentet

 إذا كنت تريد أن تطلع على المزيد أو أن تعد بحثا اذهب إلى صفحة الفهرس تفاصيل كاملة لباقى الموضوعات

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الإله آه - إلإله القمر
الإله أهتى - فرس النهر
الإله آهى / إله الموسيقى والموسيقيين
الإله آكين قائد المعدية
الإله أكير
الإلهه آمينتيت
Untitled 3821
Untitled 3822
أوزيريس وإيزيس
أرباب النيل
الإله آتون
الإله النمس
رب الشفاء اليونانى اسكليبيوس
 الإله المركب أيون
الالهة أفروديت وابنها ايروس
Untitled 3823
Untitled 3824
Untitled 3825
Untitled 3826
Untitled 3827
Untitled 3828
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الإلهه آمينتيت Amentet

الإلهه آمينتيت Amentet  - امنتت، Amentit -   Imentet - Imentit - amntt  تظهر هذه الآلهة بشكل إمرأة جميلة تلبس الرمز الهيروغليفى للغرب hieroglyph of the west - amn مرتدية غطاء الرأس يعلوه طائر الصفر

 تحمل صولجان وعنخ الحياة في يديها. وتظهر أحيانا فى رسوم القدماءمثل إلهة مجنحة، عندما ترتبط آلهة إيزيس ونفتيس goddesses Isis and Nephthys. مستوى معيار شكل فى رسومهم الغرب عادة ما يكون نصف دائرة يجلس على رأس اثنين من أعمدة طول متفاوتة فى الطول أطولها يرتبط في رأسها برابط يلف رأسها . غالبا ما يكون بشكل صقر يجلس على أعلى مستوى أو ريشة النعامة  وقد ترسم ترتدي مجرد صقر على رأسها.. وكتب بجانبعا باللغة الهيروغليفية كلمات مثل 'الغرب  والكلمات المتصلة مثل الغربية، 'الغربية' وكذلك 'الحق' و 'يمين'. أحيانا،

كان القدماء يعتقدون أنها تعيش في شجرة على حافة الصحراء، مكانا حيث يمكن منه مشاهدة بوابات للعالم السفلي. وقد تبين في كثير من الأحيان وترسم لا  في المقابر فقط ، ولكن، على التوابيت، لكونها إلهة الموتى. يجري احتضنت Anhai سيدة، التي تمت تغطيتها في ريش من ماعت، التي

الإلهه أمنتت : ربة الموتى "تجسيد الميت فى الغرب" وهى حامية للموتى وصديقة ومساعده ومرحبة لهم فى بلاد الغرب بلاد السكنى الجديدة فى العالم ألاخر.

لإلهه أمنتت :  هى إلهة الخصوبة والبعث ، الذي يجدد المتوفى مع الغذاء والماء. وهى إلهة تساعد في عملية إعادة ولادة الميت وبعثه فى العالم ألاخر

 ارتبطت "بحتحور" إلة "الغرب الجميل"
Amentet، إلهة تجسيد، الميت من الغرب...

الجبال  حاسمة

Amentet، من التابوت، وكان يرتدي لها الموحدة بشأن Amentet رأسها الهة المصرية وصديقة الموتى وتجسيد للبلاد الغرب، Amenty -- imnty. وكانت هي التي رحبت المتوفى إلى مكانها سكنية جديدة في العالم الآخر.




This feather, the normal ornament of Libyans, who wore it fixed in their hair, was also the sign for the word 'Western' and was naturally suitable to Amentet, who was originally the goddess of the Libyan province to the west of Lower Egypt.

-- Egyptian Mythology, Veronica Ions

The word 'Amentet', as used by the Egyptians, was applied to the west bank of the Nile - Egyptian cemeteries and funerary places were all on the west. To the Egyptians, west was a direction linked to death. Amentet was also the name of the underworld - the place where Ra travelled during the night. The place where the sun set was also called by this name, being the entrance to the land of the dead according to Egyptian belief. Amentet - 'She of the West' - was therefor the goddess of not only the land of the dead, but also of the entry to the underworld, and of the west itself.

Amenti or Amentet was originally the place where the sun set, but subsequently the name was applied to the cemeteries and tombs which were usually built or hewn in the stony plateaus and mountains on the western bank of the Nile. Some believe that Amenti was, at first, the name of a small district, without either funereal or mythological signification. The Christian Egyptians or Copts used the word Amend to translate the Greek word Hades, to which they attributed all the ideas which their heathen ancestors had associated with the Amenti of The Book of the Dead.

-- The Principal Geographical and Mythological Places in the Book of the Dead, E. A. Wallis Budge

Amentet wearing her Headdress Standing at the entry to the land of the dead, Amentet offers food and drink to the deceased, regenerating them. This is connected to regeneration of the dead - the rebirth of the souls in the afterlife. Thus she is also a fertility goddess, who was often represented by other fertility-related goddesses such as Hathor, Isis and Nit, Mut, and Nut. She was also connected with Nephthys and Ma'at. As the goddess Hathor-Amentet, she was a solar goddess of the west, paired with Ra-Horakhty, who was believed to regenerate and welcome the newly deceased. She was sometimes depicted with Iabet, the goddess of the east.

Amentet and Sokar Osiris At the gates of the Other World, at the entrance of the desert, one often sees the dead being welcomed by a goddess who half-emerges from the foliage of the tree she has chosen to live in to offer him bread and water. If he drinks and eats he becomes the 'friend of the gods' and follows after them, and can never return.

-- Egyptian Mythology, Veronica Ions

There may have been a male version of Amentet. In The Book of the Earth, there are two male deities who are shown to welcome the sun - i3bbth t mountains determinative iabtht and amnth t mountains determinative amntht. Amenteth may have been the male personification of the west, and maybe a husband or companion of Amentet


Egyptian Fertility Goddess

Egyptian Goddess of Fertility

~ Amaunet Means "Hidden One."

~In Egyptian mythology, Amaunet she is als known as Amentet, Amentit, Imentet, Imentit, and Ament also can be spelled Amonet, Amaunet, Amentet, Amentit, Imentet, Imentit, and Ament

~She was an Egyptian mother and/or fertility goddess.
At the beginning of time aspects of Amaunet merged with those of the goddess Neith. Among the Ogdoad, Amun was her consort.

~ She was regarded as a tutelary deity of the Egyptian Pharaohs, and had a prominent part in the Pharaoh's accession ceremonies.

~Amaunet was said to be the mother who is father, implying that she is a creator goddess, who needed no male to procreate, reproducing asexually through parthenogenesis ( this fertility goddess might be useful when called upon for helping with a lesbian pregnancy or lesbian ivf procedures)

~Amaunet was regarded as the protectress of the nation

~ Fertility Symbols
~ The fertility goddess Amaunet could be seen and identified by various different symbols, sometimes as as a snake, a lioness-headed woman, a cow, a sycamore tree, a snake-headed woman, or as a woman with an ostrich feather or hawk on her head. Occasionally she was seen as a winged goddess

~Fertility Prayer and Fertility Spells


Other Goddesses of Love and Fertility

Other Gods of Fertility

return from amaunet egyptian fertility goddess to home
egyptian fertility,egyptian fertility goddess,old egyptian fertility goddess,egyptian goddess of fertility,ancient egyptian fertility goddess,egyptian fertility god,
~ I hope Fertility Moon will become a place where womanhood can be celebrated, fertility explored by honoring ancient traditions whilst celebrating a modern approach to Being a Woman - beautiful just as you are

~ Going full circle in Celebrating Womanhood
From Conception to Birth - to Puberty to Menstruation to Child Birth to Crone Wisdom


Iabeth and Amenteth Welcoming the Sun
Re-Horakhty and Amentet
الإلهه أمنتت ارتبطت "بحتحور" إلة "الغرب الجميل"


This site was last updated 02/22/11